Articles for companies.

The BWBshop since 2000.

Articles for companies.
The BWBshop since 2000.
Warehouse and showroom.

The BWBshop originated from BMR (Breukers Marketing Research).
and exists since 2000, 20 years in 2020.
The website of BWBshop was born in 2011,

We have as a manufacturer a lot of experience in plastic processing and work together
with producers at home and abroad.

For trade, gastronomy and industry.
Delivered mainly to the business world.

Welcome to our website.

Warehouse and showroom.

Warehouse and showroom.
We have changed our location where we can store many products to better serve our customers, partly we also have the opportunity to show products and have a cup of coffee with our customers. So you are welcome to visit, but we only work by appointment.
This location used to house Instromet's gas meter factory. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs have their industrial home base here. Call for an appointment 0031315844041.
Mobile or Whatsapp: 0031612380377.


Munstermanstraat 6
7064KA Silvolde
The Netherlands
M/whatsapp 0031612380377
Chambre of Commerce Arnhem 67704808
Taxnr. 857140206B01.

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